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STU Flash, 3 June 2014

The first phase of the redeployment process has been completed

STU/66th Council/14/010
3 June 2014


Dear colleagues,


The first phase of the redeployment process has been completed.

The STU has contributed fully to this process, by commenting on the proposals for abolition of occupied posts at Headquarters (in February) and in the field (in March) and by participating in the meetings of the Redeployment Group (from 21 to 23 May).

We welcome the good will demonstrated at these meetings by representatives of the programme sectors, the Administration and both staff associations. The redeployment exercise has enabled most of the colleagues concerned to be redeployed satisfactorily.

However, the redeployment of a number of colleagues has not yet been finalized, while others have been redeployed to posts at a lower grade.

Consequently, STU remains fully mobilized for the second phase of the process, in which the situation of colleagues who remain without assignment will be examined.


Best regards,

The STU Council.


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