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STU Flash, 10 Febraury 2014

Put a stop to chaos!

STU/65th Council/14/009
10 February 2014


Put a stop to CHAOS!

STU is seriously concerned by the lack of transparency and coherence concerning the EO/AO reform.

STU condemns the lack of clear criteria for the abolition/recreation of posts and the lack of information to the staff concerned.

STU deplores the lack of full consultation between all concerned parties (central services and programme sectors such as Directors, Programme Specialists, Assistants, etc.).

STU is alarmed that that there is no coordination between EO and AO working groups which could lead to incoherent and dissonant recommendations especially without a careful and deep analysis of the working process.

STU requests, once again, that this exercise be led at the same time as the rest of the Reform to give the same opportunities to all. In not doing so, EO and AO colleagues will not have access to the same vacant posts as other colleagues during the redeployment exercise and vice-versa.


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