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STU Flash, 4 February 2014

Letter to the Director General - Still no reply since 6 December 2013




STU/65th Council/13/025
13 December 2013


Dear colleagues,

Please find below a message we sent to the Director General 6 December 2013.

As of today, we received no answer.

Best regards,

The STU Council



Madam Director General,


Following the publication of the ADG/BSP-DIR/HRM joint memo dated 27 November 2013 regarding staffing proposals 2014-2015, the STU Council wishes to meet you as soon as possible.


In the attached letter, you will find issues we would like to discuss during our meeting. They can be summarized as follows:


  1. Lack of consultation of the staff and staff associations
  2. Correspondence between posts and the organizational and programme structure
  3. Staff movements carried out before the redeployment exercise
  4. Non-observance of the provisions of Administrative Circular AC/HR/33
  5. Implementation schedule for the memo of 27 November 2013.


We are of course at your disposal should you need any further information.


Please accept, Madam Director-General, the assurance of my highest consideration.


Elia Matias

STU President