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STU Flash, 30 November 2020

We remain at your side

STU/69th Council/20/021
30 November 2020

Dear colleagues,

We hope you and your families are all well and healthy.

Aware of the impact of the sanitary crisis on each of us, we would like through this message to get information on the way you are facing it in each of your duty stations, both personally and professionally.

We wish to hear particularly from our colleagues in the Field, since isolation may be worsened by difficult conditions in their country of assignment. Do you encounter difficulties to ensure your physical and psychological health? Do you face challenges with your hierarchy to have your rights respected during this lockdown period? Do you have technical problems that complicate your work? Do you note a work overload?

We seize this opportunity to remind you that the rules of isolation in case of suspicion of infection by Covid-19, and even more in case of actual infection, must be respected by all staff members, regardless of their grade. The safety of everyone depends on it.

Do not hesitate to send us a message to Confidentiality is of course ensured.

Take care of yourself and your loved ones.

Best regards,

The STU Council