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STU Flash, 7 April 2020

COVID-19: STU is by your side

STU/69th Council/20/009
7 April 2020


Dear colleagues,

First and foremost, we hope that you and your loved ones are safe and that your health and morale are good despite the obligation of confinement, the danger of COVID-19 and the pandemic in the whole world. We know how difficult and stressful this period is for each and every one of us, whatever our individual circumstances are, but we are proud of the way you continue to respond: your commitment is strong, solidarity between colleagues is high and telework is a real success.

It is essential to stay motivated because the mandate of our Organisation, during and at the end of this sanitary crisis, is more important than ever: Member States need our expertise in all our fields of action. We will be facing new challenges – social, cultural and technological – due to this crisis. UNESCO will remain present.

STU intensifies its efforts to address the crisis strongly and positively, through regular contacts with the Administration and the Federation of International Civil Servants' Associations (FICSA). You will find here two important letters: one from the acting President of FICSA to the Executive Heads of its member agencies on the management of the sanitary crisis within the UN system and one from the three federations of international civil servants’ associations to the Chairman of the International Civil Service Commission (ICSC) on the urgent post-adjustment measures to protect Group 2 duty stations from the current economic volatility.

We are here to listen, accompany and help you. At any time, you can contact one of the members of the STU Council to share your thoughts, suggestions or fears. The list of Councillors is available here.

For your physical and psychological well-being during the period of confinement, the STU is also by your side through online sports classes (muscle reinforcement, yoga, gyrokinesis), also accessible to our colleagues in the Field. For more information, please contact us at

Take care of yourself and your loved ones. Together, we will weather this storm.

Best regards,

The STU Council.